Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hisashiburi! (Long time no see!)

Wow, I'm sorry! A month and a half of silence.... I don't have much of an excuse. Work was swamped up until winter vacation, and the Christmas Season had me very homesick and a little depressed... so I guess I was tired and didn't feel up to it? Anyways, here is what I've been up to since Thanksgiving.

In early December Briana's big sister, Veronica, came to visit. It was kinda fun to have someone new around for a bit. Watching her experience all things Japan for the first time was so interesting! She had a really hard time ordering drinks in Miroku (cocktails in Japanese places are really different). Briana and I had a ncie time showing her around Ogaki. We also took her to Kyoto for a day trip. We hit up Todaiji Temple in Nara (my favorite) and even met up with Marcel there. I fed deer, good times were had.

Also in early December the Emperor of Japan dropped by for reasons completely unknown to me. He was doing something at the Suitopia Center, which is the large community center next door to where I work. I go there for Japanese lessons once a week. Anyways, he was in there and me and two of my co-workers went and stood on the street to wait for him to come out. He drove by slowly and him and his wife waved at the gathering crowd. the route he was taking was completely blocked off going through the city so people were lining the streets to get a glimpse. But we were right where he pulled out, and we were at a corner, so he was going pretty slowly. I got a really good view. His wife is beautiful! Some of the old people were crying, they were so touched. Its like getting close to the Queen of England or something... a once in a lifetime opportunity! Cool!

As we got closer and closer to Christmas, Briana, the foreign guys (apparently, they hate being referred to as that) and I were all getting pretty down. Christmas music and decorations were everywhere, but Japan doesn't celebrate Christmas. It isn't a Christian nation, so why would it? They do buy into the commercialization part and stores use it as an excuse to have big sales (though gift giving on Christmas isn't practiced here outside of children young enough to believe in Santa Claus). Christmas eve is a big date night, and Christmas day is just another day. Facing this I was very homesick and a little depressed. So was everyone else, so we decided to have a Christmas party. Ronan and I got together and cooked a nice meal for everyone. It was a lovely, low key dinner. I really enjoyed it.

Briana, Ronan, and I hung out again on Christmas eve at Miroku and rang in the holiday at midnight with a bottle of champagne. Then Christmas morning rolled around and I had to go to work... Slowest, worst, most depressing day at work ever. Luckily I was able to skype with my mom before going into the office. That gave me a happiness buffer, but by the end of the day I was ready to get out of there. That night we (being the guys, Briana, and I) all met up for dinner at a German restaurant where more champagne was had. it didn't truly feel like Christmas, but it was nice to be together with friends, instead of alone in my apartment. I miss my family!!!!

But luckily that weekend my winter vacation started. For new years I met up with Kristen in Osaka. She had come down from Tokyo on her winter break. We spent the day shopping and karaoke-ing and then we met up with everyone else for the nights festivities. It was dinner, bar, countdown on a bridge in the center of the night life district, clubbing. A long night, but a lot of fun! It was my first time in Osaka (biggest city outside of Tokyo/Yokohama) and I really liked it! I definitely plan on going back there...

Next I went to Tokyo for four days, but I will write about that and work this past week in a seperate post tomorrow. (Tomorrow, I promise!!!)


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