Monday, November 19, 2012

Pictures! part 8

So life has been really crazy lately... I honestly haven't gone out and done anything of interest lately... but I feel bad for having not posted for an entire month. So here are a few pictures and I promise I will update about the craziness going on at work right now later.

Fall has come and the leaves are changing. Its beautiful, but its COLD. I am going to have a hard time this winter. 

Happy Halloween!!!! You can't see my demon wings or tail in this picture...

Just chillin at Miroku...

Just chillin at Nejire...

Went for a run along the river that runs through our city. This is out in the middle of nowhere. Gorgeous.

Playin DnD with the boys! Even in Japan I gotta get my nerd on.

I found a tree on a ball in Nagoya.

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