Friday, July 20, 2012

Pictures! Part 2

Okayama castle with all my co-trainees looking at it in awe.

Yay! Castle!

Bethany and I enjoying our green tea ice cream.

Kourakuen Park.

A beautiful bridge in the park. Refer to my fb album for more pictures of the park.

Cooling off at the foot pond.

Break time in the lobby of the training center. 

Break time is our only time to breathe and relieve a little stress...

Me and my dorm roomie, Michelle. We lived together well in that I was never in the room and she was always in the room, haha.

Training is over! YAY!!!

My lovely trainers (left to right) Stephanie, Rachel, Branda, and Terri.

After our celebration Karaoke outing we met a random guy who gave us masks. I wore mine all night.

My apartment's living room.

My apartment's kitchen and dinet area.

My apartment's bedroom. It looks a lot better now that I have unpacked...

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