Monday, February 11, 2013

Normalcy and Visitors

Life has returned back to the same old normal (read: boring) routine....

And its great! Work is much easier and much more enjoyable. I find myself with more energy on the weekends to do side animation projects, clean, read, etc. I'm working out semi-regularly and am in literally the best shape of my life (bikini season here I come?!). So life is good!

The end of the school term is looming however, and with it comes a lot of change. In school it means a complete change in my class schedule. Briana and I will end up swapping some classes, but I don't know yet which ones. I'm really worried about this because I love my students, I know my students, I understand my students. I have worked hard to figure these kids out, and I don't wanna have to start all over again with new dynamics and new kids that I don't know so well. Ugh.... But on the bright side I will lose one of my 10 hour work days. Currently on Thursdays and Fridays I am at Amity from 10:40 am to 9:20 pm. And Thursdays I have six classes in a row (from 3 right until the end of the day), its pretty brutal. My schedule for next term looks like I will keep that Thursday schedule, but wont have to come in early on Friday any more. The standard work day is 12-9 (coming in 20 min early and staying 20 min late). I'll come in late on Wednesday's and then come in early on Thursday's. That I am looking forward to.

Another thing that the new term is bringing is the possibility that the guys that have become such great friends of mine, might be going home. Their contracts are up and it is unknown as of yet if they will be offered a chance to renew or not. They all want to stay though. I honestly cannot imagine my life here without them at this point, so I have my fingers crossed.

So this weekend Asuka (my host sister) and our friend Risa came to Ogaki from Tokyo to visit me. We had a really fun time together, and it was really fun to introduce them to my friends and show them around the home that I have really come to love! We also went to Nagashima Spa Land together to visit Nabana No Sato, the Winter Illumination. The pictures I was able to take does not do this place justice, it was gorgeous, check it!

Asuka, me and Risa at a BBQ at Marcel's house.

Showing the girls Cheesecake Princess, I love this place!

Jamie was (and always is) very entertaining.

Exploring Ogaki.

She doesn't look like a big city girl to me!

We went to get a food that is famous in Ogaki, but it is out of season, so we ate these strawberry sweets instead, delicious!

Risa really enjoyed suburban life, someone needs to move out of Tokyo.

The entrance at Nabana no Sato.

Flying observation deck, it lowers to let people in, then raises on a crane way up high.

One side of the lake...

And the other side of the lake.

Ronan, Risa, and I trying to forget how cold we are.

So cool!

Sisters for life! <3

Walking through the tunnel of light, lost in wonder...


Ronan is so tall he never had any trouble taking pictures even though it was pretty crowded.

The weekend went by too fast, and it was sad to see them go. But I am glad they come, and can't wait to see them again!